What Audiences Are Saying
“Ineffable is the only word I know to describe your playing and its impact upon my heart.”
Lee Farris
Wichita, Kansas
“Our congregation was moved by his sacred music. David has an extraordinary talent and a unique ability to minister the Word of God through music.”
Dr. Carl F. Abrahamsen, Jr.
Calvary Church West Hartford
“Truly a God-sent pianist! David is a magnificent, heart-healing pianist from heaven. His ever-flowing, gentle and lovely music brought us into God’s holy presence. He showed us God's greatness through his beautiful arrangements of sacred music.”
Dr. Tatsuhiro Mineno
Tokyo, Japan
“His music ignited the Word of God and the Lord spoke through him, even in a different culture and language. Our congregation was greatly blessed by both his music and speaking!”
Rev. Saburo Komukai
Kanazawa Nishi Bible Church
Kanazawa, Japan
“Dynamic, engaging, Christ exalting, and God honoring…all ages in my church family saw God's glory displayed through a masterful piano concert that focused our thoughts and hearts toward the Lord Jesus. A member of the audience said he had not heard the piano played with such feeling in decades.”
Dr. R. Peter Mason
Calvary Baptist Church
Albany, New York
“David has a unique ability to capture the real essence of Scripture in Music…His arrangements are some of the most beautiful I have ever heard.”
Rev. David Howard
New Life Presbyterian Church
Gaithersburg, Maryland
“David sets himself aside to be a servant. The greatest pleasure in knowing David is that he has an artist’s soul. He sees beauty in everything and everyone around him. There is a peacefulness about David that is soothing. He has a Chaplain’s insight and an Artist’s eye—a truly wonderful combination!”
Mrs. Diana Johnson
United Methodist Church Newport News, Virginia
“David, I feel so inadequate trying to express how beautiful your performance was. Never have I seen residents stand and clap after a concert. Thank you for sharing your beautiful talent.”
Mrs. Pat Johnson
Quail Haven Village
Southern Pines, North Carolina
“You had a brilliant performance! Your sound is very beautiful and powerful, but also delicate and sensitive. I felt strong faith and peace come through your music.”
Tomomi Jono
Tokyo, Japan
“David was an inspiration to all, both spiritually and through his music. He has such emotion and passion in his performance and speaking! One listener said he couldn't believe that the piano could sound that way!”
Madeleine A. Katavolos
Community Congregational Church
Southern Pines, North Carolina
“David has warmth, genuineness, and integrity. He is an excellent piano player and speaker. I have known and appreciated him for 32 years. He has a burning desire (not said lightly) to use his gifts and abilities for the Lord's glory.”
Charles K. Gieser
Greenville, New York
“David is a very richly gifted man of God and musician. He has an unusually fine mind and is a man of great integrity and deep Christian commitment. He is also an excellent preacher and communicator.”
Dr. David L. Larsen
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Deerfield, Illinois
“David, I must tell you how intensely we continue to feel and appreciate the still resonating gift you gave us, and everyone else privileged to share your music, as well as the faith and confidence-building words with which I now know it is always paired.”
Hans Kurr
Indian Lake, New York